free falling

There comes a time when form and content engage themselves in a timely manner quite harmoniously. Last Monday was not the case with my current projects. I didn't really expect it to be, specially when I just started working on them less than three weeks ago.

The MA Graphics exhibition in progress, which is actually put up at the Graphics MA Studio, has the work of my fellow classmates who have been working on their projects for two and a half months, almost three months. I, on the other hand, with my particular circumstance (I thought these would end sometime, but it keeps being a constant in my life), hadn't work with my practice until three weeks ago... I did have some rough ideas, based on my proposal (which is too big, too broad, and gets me confused) but nothing concrete. The "thing" is not there yet. It needs some time. But I'm looking for it, even though I put pressure on myself to be at the same point as the others in the practical phase.

Having said that, the following pictures are what I presented at the exhibition. The project "elecciones en la colonia" was severely modified today because even though the "thing" isn't there, its past form was just unacceptable for me. I'm hoping I was able to communicate my ideas effectively. That would satisfy me at the moment. Enjoy!

(I apologise inmensely for the bad quality of the pictures, I was afraid of staying without battery in my alkaline battery camera and I just kinda drifted out... will put retouched pictures soon)

The modified version of the project "Elecciones en la colonia/Elections in the colony"

Detail of the mental map of "Elecciones en la colonia/Elections in the colony"

Process of making the map.

Working on the project on Monday.

Both projects (07506509271 & Elecciones en la colonia) shown in my allocated space at the exhibition room.