reflection day (23-29 november)

Last week was very important for me in several levels. The "moaning" was finally over, as I got a wonderful guide who sorted it out, and freed me from a burden that had struck me for these past three months. Everything was falling into place (finally).
Within the project as is, both practice and theory were benefiting from what should have had happened two months earlier, a dialog was occurring, and ideas were flowing.

I assisted to a lecture by Neil Cummings, as I was mesmerized to see work I hadn't seen before, work I could identify myself so much with. It was amazing. After the lecture, I did some networking, met some very interesting people and discovered links with people I already know which could be useful for my project was well.

I also did some research at the Royal College of Arts library; I felt this measure had to be taken in order to enjoy pure concentration (the kind I'm having right now without distractions), which was quite successful, to be honest. I could have taken some books out, but I didn't want to risk it. I did get a lot of perspective on what I thought could be frameworks for my project proposal methodology.

Another thing that really worked out for me this last week was getting to see the exhibition "Edge of Arabia" at Brunei Gallery, on Friday. I have to submit an exhibition review contextualized from the first unit of my program's reader, and I was almost going to start on the Annie Leibovitz exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, but after seeing Edge of Arabia, writing about Annie seemed a little vain.
The weekend wasn't as productive as the week days, but after some self torture, music and wine, it wasn't that bad. It's way too cold for me to concentrate.